Photographer: Amira Ramirez
Areas of Expertise
Dance Art
Natural Healing Art
Animal Welfare
Holistic Nature Art
Integrated Marketing
Jodie/YingChu is an independent interdisciplinary dance artist from Taiwan having been based in London & Berlin working nomadically as a creator, dancer, maker/choreographer, performer, collaborator, facilitator/teacher, researcher, & healer (Reiki Master Teacher). Creating is the core spirit of her practice, with the emphasis of kinaesthetic experiences along the process of encountering, connecting & crafting. With her clairvoyant & sensitivity in senses, very naturally she delves into sensations & perceptions in the field of phenomenology & the body-mind relationship by weaving the thinking-body through dancing, moving & embodying.
She has created Soul FLOWing Dance with her MA Creative Practice (Dance Professional Practice) awarding by Independent Dance, Siobhan Davies Dance & Trinity Laban in London. Her own solo choreography ϕ (phi) has been invited to perform & tour at SAVVY Contemporary in Berlin, 4bid gallery at OT301 in Amsterdam, Kunst Dialogue in Amsterdam & Online Performing Arts Festival.
Being part of artistic community & family, by contributing & dedicating, by giving & receiving, she very much enjoys the warm support & inspiration by collaborating with other artists in projects. This is what she values the most along her dance art career and also the insights from her interdisciplinary art residency experiences.
She is honored to be a rewarding recipient of danceWEB 2019 by ImPulsTanz in Vienna, Austria, a rewarding recipient of International Choreographers Residency (ICR) at American Dance Festival (ADF) 2023 in Durham, North Carolina, US, supported and co-funded by Ministry of Culture Taiwan, and a rewarding recipient of Tanzrecherche NRW 2024 by NRW Kultur Sekretariat in Wuppertal, Germany.
Her duet choreography ∞ (infinity) created during ADF ICR is strong and getting many great feedback from people, since then she is inspired to pursue more opportunities to extend this piece further within the artistic collective JJLYC & Artists Project with the vision to invite more like-minded artists on board to collaborate together for more creation as an artistic community and family JJLYC & Artists Project.
Jodie Judy Lu YingChu | 盧映竹
2023年文化部選送至美國舞蹈節ADF國際編舞家創作駐村 ICR,
2024年德國西部NRW邦駐地舞蹈藝術家Tanzrecherche NRW。
英國倫敦Independent Dance/Siobhan Davies Dance/ Trinity Laban舞蹈創意專業實踐碩士 (MA Creative Practice, Dance Professional Practice)。
曾在台灣台北、中國北京、英國倫敦、丹麥哥本哈根、德國柏林、奧地利維也納、挪威Trondheim、捷克布拉格等地,與世界各地的獨立藝術家共同合作,創作舞蹈藝術與劇場藝術作品,巡迴表演。個人獨舞舞蹈創作φ (phi) 已4度受邀於歐洲巡迴表演,包含荷蘭阿姆斯特丹KunstenDialoog/Arts and Dialogue、荷蘭阿姆斯特丹4bid藝廊、德國柏林SAVVY藝廊,以及數位線上舞蹈藝術節發表作品。
2019年獲選danceWEB獎學金,30年來為台灣國籍第9人受獎。全球來自63個國家、超過1000位申請者,只有46位榮譽獲選,以全球4%的獲選機率,參與每年夏天當代舞壇盛事ImPulsTanz當代舞蹈藝術節,以當代舞蹈藝術家的身份,與全世界當今的藝術家、製作人、策展人交流合作。danceWEB是當代舞蹈藝術家的指標性肯定,獲獎表示備受肯定為promising emerging artist最富潛力的新銳藝術家。
2023年獲文化部與ADF選送,參與美國舞蹈節ADF的國際編舞家藝術駐村ICR,於19天內30個排練小時內,編創雙人舞作品 ∞(infinity) 於ICR Showcase 舞台演出,是當晚所有節目最受好評作品之一,廣受美國舞蹈節ADF各界前輩讚賞。正式成立 JJLYC & Artists Project,與各領域藝術家共同創作。
2024 獲得德國西部NRW區域Dance Research NRW / Tanzrecherche NRW,由NRW Kultur Sekretariat頒布赴德國進行駐地舞蹈創作與研究,延伸其舞蹈創作作品Listening-Making-Archiving和Evertyhing is Movement for me,回應NRW區的在地歷史與文化,回應全球性社會性的氣候議題。為第一位台灣籍獲獎舞蹈藝術家。