Journey On.
choreographed and performed by Jodie Judy Lu YingChu
Who am I? An animal, a person, a mover, a dancer? Do I need to fit the form of this society, culture, dance language? Or can I just create my own version? But am I aware of that? Aware of being nonsense after obeying so many rules and following so many principles?
It’s a piece about identity for the choreographer in the process of creating, but creating a shifting image for audiences. I’m (the choreographer) very addicted to the shape and body lines of human bodies, for example the curve, the shadow due to the light, the wrinkles of skins telling time sand wisdom. So I experiment in the studio using my body as a tool to create different shapes by doing different movements and postures, develop varieties of creatures of imaginary symbols that audiences can interpret by themselves.
A way of continuous transformation that you don’t recognise as human bodies. How audiences construct their perception. I want to change and challenge the way people perceive. So they ask themselves “is this Illusion true?"
Being seen, being perceived, being interpreted. Illusion?
Copyright © 2012-2021/present Jodie Judy Lu YingChu, All rights reserved.