Dance Art Practice
From Sensation & Perception to Flow State of Being: the Kinaesthetic Practice of Being Present
Allow your sensation to move you.
Allow your intuition to guide you.
Allow your creative imagination to lead you.
Allow your essence life-force energy to dance you.
Allow the Sensation to Move you
Allow the Nature to Dance you
Allow the Sunshine to Kiss you
Allow the Wind to Fly you
Allow the Water to Float you
Allow the Soil to Ground you
Fly and float freely with the wing of imagination and sensation,
and navigate the adventurous journey with flow state of being.
Kinaesthetic energy dance art work: the transformative process
Everyone was born with the innate gift to dance freely to express the essence with grace and ease, and this treasure is deeply hidden within us.
In this work, we melt into the floor, surrender to the gravity, feel the support from the mother earth, let go all the old patterns and unnecessary tension, step outside of the mind, just be in the present moment. Being attentive to different senses of the kinaesthetic experiences, the conscious awareness is heightened to perceive the inner body landscape, the outer world, and the space in between. With poetic imagery and tactile tracing, the deep layers of who we really are emerges. With vulnerability and trust, we follow the intuition, allow our imagination to guide us to move. You are danced by your essence, the life-force energy dancing in a flow state of being, with a sense of wholeness and connected ecstasy. In this moment, you become the image, you become the perception, you become the energy. You become the true essence of you.
Stage 1. Arrival and Breathing: This Space, This Moment
Cultivate as the heightened awareness of your sensation.
“All my senses support each other. The senses communicate with one another. (Nelson, 1995-1996)”
Stage 2. Bodymapping – tactile work, hands on touch
Allow your Sensation to Move you.
Allow your Intuition to Guide you.
The innate body intelligence, a worshiping sequence to map the body.
Tracing, bridging, connecting, lengthening.
Sense my internal body landscape and space.
Move with the resonance,
Feel the volume of the human body structure,
And the sense of three-dimensionality.
Perceive my internal body landscape and space.
Imagination occurs with creative intuition and sensorial perception.
“Dancing is experienced not as a perception of movement, but a movement of perceptions.” – Bridget Davis (1970: 39)
Stage 3. Dance with the Flow
Allow your creative imagination to lead you.
Allow your essence life-force energy to dance you.
Move with the integrated imagination and sensation,
With the expressive freedom and playful curiosity.
I move, I dance, I become the image.
“I experience therefore I dance.” – Kirsty Alexander (2001)
This is a video of participants dancing in the FLOW by themselves in the session.
Please note that this is NOT a demonstration of how you should dance.
Everyone has their own unique way of dancing, you don’t need to learn to dance,
you just need to be curious to explore, and follow your intuition, and allow your life-force energy to FLOW through you.
…from part of the facilitated session with pro dancers, happened at Docks 11 in Berlin, 2016.
This is a video of participants dancing in the FLOW by themselves in the session.
Please note that this is NOT a demonstration of how you should dance.
Everyone has their own unique way of dancing, you don’t need to learn to dance,
you just need to be curious to explore, and follow your intuition, and allow your life-force energy to FLOW through you.
…from part of the facilitated session with amateur dancers, happened at Agape Zoe Festival in Berlin, 2017.