I started to explore some dance and movement-based books talking about sensations and perceptions. People share similar sense organs and receptors, but everyone’s perception is unique. Perception is the interpretation of sensation. How people sense depends on the current state of being, the awareness and alertness at a specific moment. The sense filters unnecessary information to interpret, otherwise people would become overwhelmed by loads of information to receive and interpret. There are many factors affecting how people interpret and perceive, including culture, language, family, previous experiences, habits, intention, attention, etc., and the neuroscience structure of the perceivers as well.
Most of our senses are in the head – seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting. We also use these senses to orient ourselves in space. Since images and imagination are part of my motivation, vision, which is, seeing, plays a main role in this research and practice.
So how do I change the one micro element affecting how I sense, and affecting how I perceive, hence affecting how my body responds? I start from the simplest also the most difficult dance and movement – walking. The “direction” is the element I choose to experiment with at this stage.
Walk Backward ---> Sensations & Perceptions ---> Embodying: Body response