Artscross Beijing 2012
Light & Water
The ArtsCross/Danscross project began in 2009 with an international collaboration between Beijing Dance Academy (BDA) and Middlesex University's ResCen research centre. In 2011 the project expanded to include Taipei National University of the Arts (TNUA), becoming a model for international collaboration and exchange in dance. Bringing together leading national and international choreographers, senior academic researchers and outstanding dancers in a creative partnership, the project has begun to develop a 'body' of shared knowledge. This has involved choreographers' creative efforts, the in-depth perspectives of academic researchers, and dancers' creative interpretations and performances, but it has also developed a space of freedom in which to explore cultural collisions and intellectual exchanges in unbounded ways.
Danscross Beijing in 2009 and ArtsCross Taiwan in 2011 had the themes "Dancing in a shaking world" and "Uncertain…waiting…" respectively. In 2012 the project returns to Beijing once again, with "Light and Water" as the theme. The two distinct mediums in the theme this time offer an opportunity to create a completely different 'cultural feeling' with new meanings and images. Choreographers from Beijing, Taipei and Europe will each produce a dance work responding to the theme from their different perspectives and individual styles, resulting in a series of brand new stage performances. Our focus in the research project however, is on the working environment and practices of the artists. We examine the particular to see the panoramic, and the resulting performances, conference debates and writings contribute to the ways we understand each other across national and other borders, and to the creation of a unique comparative study.
ArtsCross Directors: Xu Rui, Wang Yunyu, Christopher Bannerman
ArtsCross Beijing 2012 Directors
Xu Rui (Beijing Dance Academy)
Zhang Ping (Beijing Dance Academy)
Zhao Tiechun (Beijing Dance Academy)
Christopher Bannerman ResCen (Research Centre, Middlesex University, London)
Martin Welton (Queen Mary, University of London)
Ping Heng (Taipei National University of the Arts)
Wang Yunyu (Taipei National University of the Arts)
Robin Dingemans (London)
Annie Pui Ling Lok (London)
Rachel Lopez de la Nieta (London) – Ben Ash (Assistant)
Tsai Huichen (Taipei) – Francesco D'astic (Assistant)
Wu Yisan (Taipei) – Wong Jyh Shyong (Assistant)
Bulareyaung Pagarlava (Taipei) – Huang Yuhsiang (Assistant)
Zhang Yuanchun (Beijing)
Liu Yan (Beijing)
Zhao Xiaogang (Beijing)
Wan Su (Beijing)
Martin Welton (Queen Mary, University of London)
Ted Warburton (University of California, Santa Cruz)
Rebecca Loukes (University of Exeter)
Ola Johansson (ResCen, Middlesex University, London)
Alexandra Kolb (Middlesex University, London)
Stefanie Sachsenmaier (Middlesex University, London)
Naomi Inata (Showa University of Music, Kawasaki)
Tong Yan (Beijing Dance Academy)
Wu Yan (Beijing Dance Academy)
Mu Yu (Beijing Dance Academy)
Wang Xin (Beijing Dance Academy)
Du Xiao Qing (Dance Magazine of China)
Pan Li (Beijing Dance Academy)
Ping Heng (Taipei National University of the Arts)
Wang Yunyu (Taipei National University of the Arts)
Tseng Rayuan (Taipei Physical Education College)
Lin Yatin (Taipei National University of the Arts)
Chen Yaping (Taipei National University of the Arts)
Ho Hsiaomei (Taipei National University of the Arts)
Tsou Shinning (Arts Review Magazine, Taipei)
Renata Sheppard (Visiting Scholar Taipei)
Liao Shanni (Visiting Scholar Taipei)
Donald Hutera – Dance writer (London)
Richard Layzell – ResCen Research Associate Artist (London)
Zhao Zhibo (Beijing)
Guo Jiao (Beijing)
Liu Xiao (Beijing)
Ma Jiaolong (Beijing)
Gao Yan (Beijing)
Cai Wenjin (Beijing)
Chen Nan(Beijing)
Feng Qi (Beijing)
Feng Zhenqi (Beijing)
He Ying (Beijing)
Huang Wei (Beijing)
Xu Chi (Beijing)
Wang Bo (Beijing)
Wang Luxi (Beijing)
Wang Ke (Beijing)
Wang Yang (Beijing)
Yuan Wenbin (Beijing)
Chou Tzuching (Taipei)
Hsiao Anan (Taipei)
Huang Hsiaoting (Taipei)
Lai Tingtzu (Taipei)
Lee Jyuenuoh (Taipei)
Li Yichi (Taipei)
Jodie Judy LuYingChu (Taipei)
Mauro Sacchi (Taipei)
Ning Chi (Taipei)
Tseng Wenyu (Taipei)
ArtsCross Partners:
Eddie Nixon – Director, Theatre and Artist Development, The Place (London)
Jih-Wen Yeh – Artistic Director/Producer Step Out Arts (London)
Andrew Lang, Nigel Boardman – Documentors (London)
With support from: Arts ands Humanities Research Council
Special thanks to the ArtsCross Patrons: Dr. and Mrs. Richard and Rosalind Lee
The End Animals
Choreographed by Robin Dingemans (UK)
He Ying, Lee Jyuenuoh, Jodie Judy Lu YingChu, Wang Bo, Wang Luxi, Xu Chi.
Costume: Chi Shicheng, Duan Yixuan, Yu Ran.
7s sample of The End,
The Doors by Hans Florian Zimmer,
7s sample of I Light The Fire by Veronica Oucholin
(from the album Russian Far North - The Chukchi).
Just like many objects and people, this choreography was made in China. It is six unique individuals set in the frame of social, cultural and historical context that we all exist.