at ImPulsTanz 2019

Jodie is honored to be a rewarding recipient of danceWEB 2019 at ImPulsTanz,
the 9th person with Taiwan nationality since 1996,
supported and co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union, Ministry of Culture Taiwan, Chinlin Foundation of Culture and Arts.

official danceWEB 2019 archive (click and open a new window)


 10.07.19 - 14.08.19 in Vienna (AT)

supported/organized by danceWEB

The danceWEB Scholarship Programme took place from 10 July to 14 August in the frame of ImPulsTanz – Vienna International Dance Festival and welcomed 44 participants from 36 countries.

The mentors of danceWEB 2019 were Anne Juren & Annie Dorsen in dialogue with Mette Ingvartsen. View their CVs >>HERE.

This year's mentoring team consisted of the Viennese French choreographer and performer Anne Juren and the American director and author Annie Dorsen. Together with the Danish choreographer Mette Ingvartsen they have stimulated, accompanied and supported the scholarship holders in their artistic development.

Anne Juren is a renowned choreographer, dancer and performer. She is currently developing choreographic works titled "Studies on Fantasmical Anatomy", an on-going research that extends the term choreography to include the body in various states of physical, poetic, fantasy, speculative, imaginative dimensions and experiences. Since 2013, she is also a certified Feldenkrais®practitioner. The Somatic Fantastic has been extended by director and author Annie Dorsen, whose multimedia work is currently exploring the interface between algorithms and live performance, and who, in addition to her diverse artistic activities, is also guest professor for theatre and performance studies at the University of Chicago. The third position, which accentuates the triadic spectrum, which the mentors have used as a somatic-discursive field, is occupied by the thematic priorities of co-mentor Mette Ingvartsen. In her works, she opens up hybrid spaces in which dance and movement are interwoven with visual art, technology, language and theory, and whose current works focus on the body as a historical setting for political struggles and controversy over nudity and sexuality.

The various artistic approaches, working methods and manuscripts have shaped the quality of the collaboration with the scholarship holders in 2019, especially during the first and last days of the programme, when the danceWEBbers worked exclusively with their mentors. The opening days were in the sign of the group as a collective and the question of artistic practices was moved to the centre. It was therefore all the more important for the mentors to be able to offer personal exchanges in smaller groups or one-on-one meetings apart of the festival venues during the intensive and individually tailored workshop and field project phases, thus enabling a more intimate form of artistic exchange and discourse (such as lunch talks at MuseumsQuartier or Somatic Sessions in the studio of Anne Juren).

In the course of two danceWEB salons, all participants finally came together as group with the mentors. The first salon took place in the exhibition space of Kunsthalle Wien at Karlsplatz and followed the exhibition "Hysterical Mining", which was jointly visited during the opening days and took place during the Vienna Biennale for Change 2019. The second get-together took place in the imposing studio Molière, which is part of the Lycée Français and impresses not only with its remarkable architecture but also with a cinema room with a stage. At the latter event, the stage finally became a re-enactment venue, where the danceWEBbers performed their previous work experience in a pleasurable way and could revel in the intensity of their impressions and happenings.

On 7thAugust, the Viennese association and organizer of the scholarship programme invited friends and sponsors of the danceWEB Scholarship Programme to the foyer of the Odeon Theater for the so-called "danceWEB Reception 2019" and also welcomed representatives of various embassies in Vienna. The evening offered the opportunity to get to know the 2019 scholarship recipients in person and to network. Afterwards all invited guests had the unique chance to attend the premiere of Anne Juren's latest piece "42". The final days were used by the danceWEBbers to present each other their own artistic work, to reflect together on the time at danceWEB, to take a critical look at the festival and to reflect on possible solidarity-artistic initiatives that they as young, internationally active artists could call to life. This was accompanied by a Curatorial Talk with Chris Standfest (Artistic Director [8:tension]) and Rio Rutzinger (Artistic Director Workshops and Research), where curatorial decisions were explained and discussed.

In addition to the intensive focus on training and further education, the danceWEB Scholarship Programme is aimed particularly at exchange and networking. Through the setting and structures of the ImPulsTanz Festival it offers a unique place to network with the artists present on an international level. Thus, there are always successful collaborations and initiatives that are initiated in the course of the Scholarship Programme and which the association danceWEB – as well as the individual artistic careers of the scholarship holders – continues to pursue with great interest, attention and joy.

The following video is a danceWEB ‘19 video which is re-edited by Jodie in 2020, interview made by Taiwan in Österreich 駐奧地利代表處 at the Gala,
with some danceWEB 2019 photography and English captions,
to capture some of the insights and memory. ​ ​ ​

Supported and co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union, Ministry of Culture Taiwan, Chinlin Foundation of Culture and Arts. ​
Mentoring by Anne Juren & Annie Dorsen in dialogue with Mette Ingvarsten.​ ​
In this very uncertain and pandemic year(s),
everything has been cancelled or delayed or transformed into another format,
our time together in 2019 becomes much more precious. ​

2019得到danceWEB獎學金,到奧地利維也納參加 ImPulsTanz - Vienna International Dance Festival ,當時酒會Gala邀請了所有44位得獎者共33個國家駐奧地利的大使一同參與,只有台灣駐奧地利代表處真的派了外交人員董秘書與亞微姐共襄盛舉。​ ​ Gala前幾日親自到代表處拜訪時,陳副代表提及可以拍攝訪問影片,因此就這樣簡單拍攝了當晚在gala的中文訪問。直到2020再加上danceWEB家族們充滿代表性回憶的照片,以及英文字幕,並一一打上所有danceWEB family的名字,以及贊助與補助單位,剪輯為這支影片。​ ​長年奔走世界各地,台灣在國際外交上真的常受打壓,心中總是五味雜陳。如果有一天,真的能夠再像danceWEB 2019一樣,以藝術文化做國際外交,那將是莫大殊榮啊!以此影片感謝所有支持募資計劃朋友們和贊助補助的單位!


danceWEB scholarship recipients 2019:
(lives in.../  from...)

Alex Franz Zehetbauer (Austria / Austria-United States)
Alice Heyward (Germany / Australia)
Alicja Czyczel (France / Poland)
Amrita Hepi (Australia)
André Chapatte (Belgium / Switzerland-United States)
Carolina Sanchez Bailon (Mexico)
Christian Nujster (Croatia)
Daria Garina (United States / Russia-United States)
Declan Whitaker (Denmark-United Kingdom / United Kingdom)
Denise Lim (Denmark / Singapore)
Derin Cankaya (Turkey)
Djibril Sall (Germany / United States)
Elliot Reed (United States)
Emma Tricard (France)
Francisco Martínez Buceta (Spain)
Ghost Chan (Hon Kit Chan) (United Kingdom / Hong Kong)
Gry Tingskog (Germany / Sweden)
Hoor Malas (Syria)
Hussein Khaddour (Syria)
Hyuk Kwon (South Korea)
Jan Rozman (Germany / Slovenia)
Jimena Perez Salerno (Spain / Argentina)
Jodie Judy Lu YingChu (Taiwan)
Kate Nankervis (Canada)
Kinga Szemessy (Hungary)
Laura Tinard (Belgium / France)
Luisa Marinho Saraiva (Germany / Portugal)
Marah Haj Hussein (Belgium / Palestine)
Maria Paula Perez Yate (Columbia)
Marina Miliou Theocharaki (Greece)
Maya Dikstein (Israel / Israel-Brazil)
Mayssan Charafeddine (Germany / Canada-Lebanon)
Miranda Amaechi Rumerstorfer (Austria)
Nate Yaffe (Canada)
Randy Reyes (United States / Guatemala)
Sasha Portyannikova (Germany / Russia)
Sezen Tonguz (Portugal / Portugal-Turkey)
Shady Emad Greis (Egypt)
Shakiba Soltani (Iran)
Shirin Farshbaf (Iran)
Stina Fors (Netherlands / Sweden)
Susanne Songi Griem (Austria / Germany)
Vlad Benescu (Romania)
Yuri Shimaoka (Germany / Japan)

Gallery Pics by & Almud Krejza


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