choreographed and performed by Jodie Judy Lu YingChu
I am perceiving the space, I am perceiving the body.
I am perceiving the body in the space,
I am perceiving the space in the body.
I am perceiving the dialogue between the space and the body.
I am perceiving the circularity and the wholeness in the body and in the space.
I am perceiving the energy flowing in the body and in the space.
I am perceiving my presence and my state of being.
Less is more;
only with the simplicity of each presence can I perceive the wholeness, the completeness, the fullness, and the richness of it.
Special thanks to Kristian Tirsgaard for his warm spirit and generous support in this choreography.
Copyright © 2012-2021/present Jodie Judy Lu YingChu, All rights reserved.
Laban Studio Theatre, Mar 2016.